
Showing posts from September, 2019

Python and Linux on Cisco IOS?

Run Python and Linux directly on IOS XE? Yes you can! Take your network automation skills to the next level with scripting and automation directly on Cisco devices. You can be a DevNet Engineer! #python #linux #ios #devnet #ccna #cisco

Linux scripts on Cisco IOS?

Did you know you could use these Linux Shell scripts directly on Cisco IOS! No need to use Python or use a Linux VM. Just run these directly on Cisco IOS! You can be a 10x Engineer! #Linux #DevNet #Cisco #CCNA #CCNP #IOS

How well do you know Cisco IOS?

How well do you know Cisco IOS? via @YouTube Do you know these time saving Cisco IOS commands? Did you know this was possible traditional Cisco IOS? Use /, +, -, grep, include, section, exclude and lots more directly on Cisco IOS. Learn what is possible on and show the world your Cisco and Linux skills. #linux #ccna #DevNet #cisco #ccnp

What's your focus? What are you doing?

What's your focus? What are you doing? via @YouTube #ccna #motivation #wireshark #ccnp

DHCP Explained - Step by Step Server Configuration

DHCP Explained - Step by Step Server Configuration via @YouTube What is DHCP? How does it actually work? This video shows you a real example of DHCP in real time and includes Wireshark captures a showing you actual DHCP messages. #dhcp #ccna #cisco #wireshark #comptia

Massive CCNA Giveaway! Be quick!

Massive Giveaway! Be quick! Boson, CCNA, Python and Wireshark prizes available. Link: via @YouTube Want to win one of over $3,000 worth of prizes? Boson, CCNA, Python and Wireshark prizes available. Individual prizes vary from about $19 to $369 each. #python #ccna #cisco #wireshark

Network Automation: Schedule Cisco config backups with kron and archive

Network Automation: Schedule Cisco config backups with kron and archive via @YouTube Network Automation isn't difficult. With just a few CLI commands you can automate the backup of your Cisco networks. Use Kron and archive to back up configs to TFTP, FTP or SCP servers. Don't try to do everything manually. Automate it! Just like cron in Linux, you can use kron on Cisco IOS to schedule things. Schedule backups, schedule TCL scripts and much more. #DevNet #ccna #cisco #ccnp @gns3

10x Engineer: Linux, TCL and EEM scripts directly on Cisco IOS!

10x Engineer: Linux, TCL and EEM scripts directly on Cisco IOS! via @YouTube Learn TCL, Embedded Event Manager and Linux Shell scripts on Cisco IOS! No need to use Python or use a Linux VM. Just run these directly on Cisco IOS! You can be a 10x Engineer! #linux #tcl #cisco #ccna #gns3 #ccnp

10x Engineer: Linux commands on Cisco IOS? Wow!

10x Engineer: Linux commands on Cisco IOS? Wow! via @YouTube You can run amazing Linux commands such as grep, line numbers and even scripts and more on Cisco IOS! And without a Linux shell! Just run these directly on Classic Cisco IOS switches and routers! #linux #ccna #cisco #ios #10xEngineer #DevNet #gns3

I'm Sorry.... Boson CCNA Giveaway

I'm Sorry @BosonSoftware - I went overboard with the CCNA Giveaway! YouTube video: via @YouTube #ccna #cisco #WeLoveBoson #giveway

10x Engineer: What? You can do this on Cisco IOS?

10x Engineer: What? You can do this on Classic Cisco IOS? via @YouTube #linux #ccna #cisco #gns3 #ccnp #ccie @gns3

CCNA Giveaway. Don't miss out.

Want to win an amazing Boson CCNA prize? YouTube video: #ccna #cisco #Boson #giveaways

GNS3: Version 2.2 and the Future?

What's the future of GNS3? What new features are coming? In this video Jeremy Grossmann (creator of GNS3) discusses features in GNS 2.2 and later versions of GNS3. #gns3 #gns3vm #gns3tutorial

GNS3 2.2: Jeremy tells us about the new features

Jeremy Grossmann (creator of GNS3) discusses GNS3 2.2 features with David Bombal. Features discussed include Hyper-V support, migration to 2.2, link status and the Web UI. via @YouTube #gns3 #ccna #ccnp #ccie @gns3

GNS3 API: Jeremy explains how the API works

Jeremy Grossmann (creator of GNS3) discusses the GNS3 API with David Bombal. How it works, what you can do with it and where to learn more information. #GNS3 #CCNA #CCNP #DevNet